Electricity's great adventure

A visit to the Electropolis Museum located in Mulhouse, puts visitors at the heart of electricity's great adventure. With a fun approach and a spectacular design, the museum caters to all audiences and age groups. It's the perfect way to understand the mysteries of electricity and learn about the experiments, theories, and great inventions that make up the history of electricity.

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Musée de France Google Arts Tourisme & Handicap - République Française Famille Plus - Vivre ensemble de belles expériences Territoire Vélo - Fédération française de cyclotourisme Marque Alsace Guide vert Michelin 2020 Traverllers choice - Trip Advisor 2020 Traverllers choice - Trip Advisor

Plan your visit

Whether you come with your family, with your class or with a group, the Musée Electropolis offers all kinds of activities for young and old alike.

Practical information

Sponsorship and partnerships

The museum benefits from company sponsorship and the support of public partners, united alongside EDF (the major sponsor) in the Association Gestionnaire du Musée Electropolis (Electropolis Museum Management Association).

EDF Préfet de la Région Grand Est Région Grand Est Collectivité européenne d’Alsace Mulhouse agglomération Mulhouse Enedis, l'électricité en réseau ES, Electricité de Strasbourg